Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Tea Talk Tuesday | Post #1

One of my 2015 New Year's resolutions is to blog more so I've decided to make add a little more of a personal touch to my page by creating "Tea Talk Tuesdays." These posts will be weekly little blurbs about my life with a little beauty mixed in here and there. I'm super stoked and I think that they will be a fun little addition to the blog. Personally, I think this is also a great start in making myself more regimented so that I can get into a better blogging routine with some sort of schedule. I know its a little early to say this but I've been pretty good at keeping up with my resolutions so here's to keeping the momentum going for the long year ahead. 

WINTER FEELINGS: Oh My God this weather is a complete nightmare! Not only does this season make me seriously bummed 24/7 but I am also constantly cold and this weather is sucking the soul right out of my skin. Honestly, my skin is so angry and confused it doesn't know what it is going to do with itself. It's oily but it's dehydrated and it's just plain sad. Glamglow THIRSTYmud and I are becoming quite good friends though so thank God for that because it gives me something to pamper myself with while I avoid going outside more than I have to at all costs. I hate this and I am hibernating until it's over, end of story. 

THINGS I THINK I'M STOKED FOR: Recently I've decided that I need to get back into painting my nails more often. My sad little dry pasty hands need to have a little life back in them because things just weren't looking cute in the slightest. I think I like what's going on because it helps me to stop picking at my nails and letting them grow a little bit. Also, the other day my mom gave me the Michel Mercier Ultimate Detangling brush and I actually think I like it more than my Tangle Teaser. I'm pretty sure the Tangle Teaser was designed for right handed people because that thing is a pain to grip onto with your left hand! This brush is way easier to hold and goes through my thick hair effortlessly with minimal hair loss. I didn't think I was going to like it but I see a lovely relationship blossoming from this one!

THOUGHTS ON LIFE: In the past few months I've actually taken time to really self reflect and work on my bad habits and I feel like I've been making progress in the right direction. Sure some people may say that saying that is a sign of fishing for praise but damn it I may slip up sometimes or get a bit emotional over nothing but I'm pretty proud of myself and I deserve to congratulate myself every once and awhile. Things have been really overwhelming lately but I am happy to be making moves. I want 2015 to be a big year and I am pretty excited to see what lies ahead. Positive vibes, positive vibes, positive vibes. 

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