Friday, February 6, 2015

Friday Favorites | Random Non-Beauty Favorites

I decided to start off my Friday Favorites Series on a light and personal note by sharing some of my non-beauty favorites. I figured it will show you guys what other things I am into besides makeup as well as show you how dull and boring I am in real life because why pretend to be any cooler than I am. Right? I'm totally right. 

First, let me tell you about these two little cacti right here. I have had these little guys for three-ish years now and I am pretty damn proud of myself. I have had many a pant and I have killed them all except these little guys. They have stood the test of time and neglect. I am totally aware that cacti don't need much water or care but I have killed a cactus or two in my time so I am totally chalking this up as a win. I wanted to re-pot these into an old candle jar but, since these are my favorite I'm afraid I would ruin them or hurt myself (I've been down that road a few times.) I can't wait to get a few more for my little collection. 

My next two favorites go hand in hand beautifully; they are my Elvis Presley mug and organic Wu Yi oolong tea. Anyone who spends a decent amount of time around me knows that I am obsessed with tea. My best friend, Megan, gave me a tea defuser for Christmas and I use it religiously. I drink probably 5 - 6 cups of tea a day. I drink a lot of decaffeinated and herbal teas but, when I am looking for a little pick me up this oolong tea is my number one go to because it doesn't give me that twitchy jittery feeling that coffee tends to do. Overall, I am pretty obsessed with mugs and glassware for some odd reason but this mug is my favorite. I have a nostalgic love for Elvis. When I was little my dad used to sing "Can't Help Falling in Love" to me so he denotes really nice memories. I want to get married on May 3rd just like Elvis and Priscilla and I want my father daughter dance song to be "Can't Help Falling in Love" ... unless I don't find anyone and I die alone with cats. 

I am a very high strung anxious person to say the least. I've come a long way with my anxiety and I have learned to deal with it way better than I used to but, sometimes it makes it really hard to sleep. This lavender aromatherapy spray has worked better for me than any medicated sleep aid ever has in the past. I am obsessed with the scent of lavender, actual lavender, not that crappy popori wanna be lavender.  I spray this all over this fleece blanket I have in my room and snuggle myself in it until I fall asleep. It smells heavenly I would bathe myself in this stuff if I could. Honestly, it would probably make me a way more relaxed person because of how soothing and calm this makes me.  

I am pretty typical in the sense that I absolutely love candles. For the most part I love herbal or musky scents. When I came across this Candle at Bath and Body Works a few weeks back it really hit the nail on the head for me. It is the perfect warm cologne musk smell. It makes my room feel super cozy and it makes me just want to snuggle up with myself and watch netflix ( like that isn't what I want to do 98% of the time anyway.) 

Every Friday I am going to be posting different types of my favorite things. I have a few ideas but if anyone has any ideas of their own don't hesitate to let me know what you would like to see! [MY AskFM

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