Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Tea Talk Tuesday | Post #4

Today I decided that I would re-read Sophia Amoruso's #GirlBoss because I am in desperate need of some boss bitch inspiration. I have become more and more aware of the fact that I can be too nice and I let people take advantage of me because I feel like arguing half the time just isn't worth it. It isn't that I am not aware of what's going on it's just that listening to people whine drives me insane and I would rather not listen to it. I like doing nice things for people and often times I kind of just do it because I want to not because they want me to but, I can tell when people start trying to abuse that and bully me around because they know I will help them. It really makes me feel pretty down on myself and I really need to make a change. I am aware of the fact that you have to respect yourself to get respect and I honestly really do respect myself and think pretty well of myself but, I don't act like it and I need to start. 

Knowing your self-worth is half the battle acting like what you are worth is the other. You can't really have one without the other. I think its really important to be self motivating and proactive which sometimes means stepping outside your comfort zone and doing things you wouldn't normally do in order to make change. People and things will only go as far as you let them because we are in full control of how we live our lives regardless of our pasts or the cards we are dealt. Trust me I am very guilty of making excuses for things but I can't really dwell on what has already been done. The only thing anyone can really do is move forward and push things towards the track we want them to be on. So here is to positive change and self-preservation. 

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