Wednesday, March 25, 2015

HUM Big Chill & Moody Bird | Review

I have been told a thing or two in my life; one of those things being that I'm a "little high strung" and the other being I'm a "complete psychopath" for at least a week once a month. I believe one of those things a little more than the other but sometimes you just have to accept the criticisms and just work on managing your emotions a little bit. I'm willing to admit I have some room for improvement and I thought the natural route would probably give me the best results with the least side effects. I figured worst comes to worst all I did was I add some extra nutrients to my body. 

HUM vitamins are natural supplements that help with an array of internal and external issues. All of their products are pure, all natural, non GMO, and sustainably sourced. I picked up Big Chill and Moody Bird because they seemed like great vitamins to better the inside and the outside of the body at the same time. Big Chill is packed with Rhodiola Rosea Root extract to help you deal with stress and to remove it's physical signs while Moody Bird uses a cocktail of dong quai root and chaste berry to help alleviate the symptoms of PMS and balance hormone levels. 

I've been taking both of these pills for about a month now and I've had great results so far. Being the high strung person that I am Big Chill as really helped me have a clearer mind when it comes to coping with anxiety and stress. I can't say I've noticed a huge difference in the way I have felt (I'm not being abnormally peppy or anything like that) but, I have noticed that I've had a bigger gap between panic attacks and I have been a lot more calm and rational in situations that typically would have been a huge trigger of stress for me. It has been much easier for me to take a step back and think clearly where before I would instantly get flustered and upset. I've also noticed that when I do get upset I tend to be worked up for a shorter amount of time. This has been great for me because it has allowed me to not focus so much on the negative and has allowed me to focus my energy on more positive and productive things.

*TMI WARNING* So I tend to get really bad PMS and periods. For a full week leading up to my period and the entire time I have my period I tend to be an emotional raging bitch who tends to be almost unbearable to be around if I so choose to make you the target of my emotional rampage (or so I've been told.) I also get terrible cramps, soreness/achiness, and bloating during this time. Overall it's a complete disaster in which my life feels like it's crumbling to little pieces. Real tragic shit I know.  Thankfully Moody Bird has helped to alleviate a vast amount of my PMS and period issues. These pills are supposed to reach their full potential by your third menstrual cycle and even though I am just starting my second I feel so much better. I have had virtually no PMS moodswings and barely any soreness leading up to my period... I swear if I didn't track my period I wouldn't have even known it was coming; that's how much my symptoms have went down. Now that I'm on my period though I have still had some cramping but it has been minimal. 

I do have to say the only thing I haven't noticed yet is clearer skin and I think that is only because my skin has been purging from these vitamins a bit. I didn't find any information about these making anyone else purge online so I'm not 100% sure this is the case but, purging is something my skin has always done when I have began taking new supplements. On the plus side my hormonal redness has gone down significantly around my nose. I have faith that I'm reaching the end of my purge period though and that things will be on the up and up soon in the skin department. 

Hands down I love these HUM vitamins. I already picked up my second bottle of Moody Bird (they go a little faster since you take them 2-3 times a day.) I would recommend Big Chill, Moody Bird, or any other part of the HUM line to anyone looking for something to cleanse them inside and out. 

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