Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Tea Talk Tuesday | Post #10

Over the past few weeks I have started working a lot more hours which is great but, something I am still adjusting to in the balancing life department. A balanced life has never been something I have been the best at but, I'm trying. I'm forever exhausted and running on zero sleep because no matter how hard I try I always catch myself staying up a little longer than I wanted to trying to unwind while reading up on blogs and watching Youtube videos. I know it's important to have a little me time but it really catches up to me when my friends want to hangout and my tired ratty ass is just dragging along being a wet blanket. I'm starting to realize that maybe I could trade a little me time for a little more bed time so when I do hangout with friends I can have a little bit of a better time! Priorities. It would be way easier to sacrifice some sleep every now and then for the sake of seeing the people I adore rather than constantly running myself ragged for the sake of my own late night leasering. Hopefully this spring weather comes soon too because I could use the extra motivation. 

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