Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Tea Talk Tuesday | Post #30

Sorry, this weekend was pretty crazy so I didn't get to make a Monday post but, no worries I ordered lots of makeup for my makeup kit and a few things for myself so I'll have some fun new things coming this week and next. Time management has not been my thing lately. I'm working on it though so it's totally fine. I'm super excited for the upcoming fall and all the new makeup trends. I am not looking forward to the cold weather though, I'm just not. I like sweater weather but I hate I need a parka to survive walking 3 feet outside weather; it's just not my style. 
A seasonal makeup mix up is just what I needed to get my creative juices flowing again. The colder months are always kind of dreary to me and make me lose all motivation (I'm talking November-March but, still) so anything fun, new, and artistic gives me a bit of a pick me up. This definitely means I'll need some other new ideas on how to not get into a mental rut on another level but, I'll leave that for another Tea Talk Tuesday post. 

I'm ready for all the dark makeup combos and Halloween makeup that will soon be blasted all over the internet. What can I say?! Things like that really warm my little goth at heart soul. I've been missing the sleek all black everything that is the fall and winter months. 

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