Thursday, November 10, 2016

Lush Sleepy Hand and Body Lotion | A New Obsession

After work the other day I stopped by Lush with a friend to peruse the holiday bath bombs. Honestly, I don't need anymore than I have but I like to keep a little collection so I always have one when I want to pamper myself and just relax. In my final moments stepping up to the cash wrap I look over and see a few of their distinctive black jars sitting in front of the register. I barely even read the packaging before snatching it up. I read "sleepy" and "lavender" and I felt like that's all I really needed to know about the product before deciding that I had to have it. As I'm sure I've mentioned a million times before, I love lavender. It's like my personal version of catnip. I would bathe in it if I could so I was pretty happy the product I picked up turned out to be lotion and not a shower gelee or something that I couldn't constantly be huffing on like the anxious werido that I am. 

Truth be told I haven't tried many of Lush's non-bath bomb related products except for a handful of times. When there's millions of beauty products you want to try it's a little hard to get around to it all. There are several lotions I probably should have finished up before spontaneously cracking open another one but I seriously couldn't help myself. The sweet yet warm lavender scent was more than enticing enough to use the lotion almost as soon as I got home. 

A lavender hue and a bit of shimmer - looking into the lotion's black pot it seemed like a pastel dream. The consistency of Lush's "Sleepy" lotion is a bit thinner than what I'm used to but, it still packs quite the wallop in the hydration department. A small bit goes such a long way. It instantly leaves my skin silky smooth without feeling slick or greasy.  Also, I can use this straight out of a hot shower without the fragrances within the lotion irritating my skin and making me itchy. I don't know if this is a personal problem or if this is something that happens to others but, I've had issues in the past with the fragrance of some lotions making me insanely itchy after applying them straight after showering. I'm so excited that I didn't experience with this lotion because it feels so lovely and the lavender scent is so calming it's the perfect cherry on top of a relaxing night just before bed. Clearly, "Sleepy" lives up to its name.
Since this lotion is in a pot I won't be carrying it around in my bag but, you can best believe that I will be using this every night before bed. Since it's getting colder now I really have to step up my moisturizing game. I already have psoriasis/eczema on my scalp so I'm susceptible to it moving throughout the rest of my body. Constantly hydrating my skin is one way that I help to deter its progression. With that being said a good moisturizer is key for my beauty routine. The fact that this particular one not only smells good but is also self-preserving without synthetic preservatives is an extra bonus. 

You can best believe I'll be picking up the larger size next time I'm in Lush. 

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