Thursday, November 5, 2015

Now that I'm back | A Salt Lake City Recap

Hello, yes, it's me! I'm back. So my plan was to blog while I was in Salt Lake City but, I forgot my laptop in my dad's car and to be honest I probably wouldn't have had the time anyway. So with that being said I figured I would just do a little post about the highlights of my trip before getting back to the lovely world that is makeup.
The flights: 

I've always been a big fan of flying. I've done it since I was young and my mom would bring me back and forth with her from Ohio to Maryland. I'm not sure why I like flying because sitting in close courtiers with strangers and awkwardly asking them to move so you can pee is a total nightmare to me. The idea of what a cluster jam a crash would be with all of the people around anxiously climbing over each other to get to the nearest exit is enough to make me pass out but, all that aside I like flying. It's like for a few hours you're disconnected from the real world and you're just hanging out floating in the sky eating snacks. I imagine if I could freeze time it would give me the same feeling as flying on an airplane; I also imagine purgatory like this. 

My flights to salt lake were pretty chill nothing really to report, everything went pretty smoothly. I can't say the same out the flights back. I was supposed to fly home the 3rd but after my first flight was delayed over an hour I had to get a new set of flights for the next morning (no other flights were flying into Baltimore) because I would miss my connecting flight in Dallas and there was no way in hell I was going to willingly put myself in that kind of stress. Having an extra day in Salt Lake was emotionally conflicting because although an extra day is always nice and exciting I'm currently going through a family tragedy which I felt like I should have been home for (sorry, I know that's ambiguous but I'm not huge on abruptly airing out details of my personal life just yet.) It also didn't help that although I didn't fly out on the right day my suitcase did so I had nothing except the clothes I wore to the airport so I had to spring for some Target essentials to get me through the day. At least my second set of flights went smoothly. I do have to mention though that on the second leg of my flight home the guy next to me refused to put the arm rest down so it looked like we were flying together and he kept adjusting himself so his butt was resting on my thigh for a majority of the ride... Very awkward. I like my personal space. I also think someone near me kept letting out stress farts every 15 minutes or so and it gave me a nauseating headache.  

The Trip: 

Overall this trip was amazing and well overdue. I've been doing the same routine for so long without a breather it was really nice to have a switch up to my routine for awhile. Also for someone who is generally painfully shy off the bat I really enjoy being in a place where I barely know anyone... It's thrilling to me. I tried really hard to properly document the highlights of my trip so I hope I did a decent job at it. 

First and foremost I would like to address two things:

1.) Salt Lake City is pretty AF. I love the mountains and at some point definitely want to live somewhere around them (any mountainous area really... preferably a warm one.) 

2.) I found Chandler's crazy roommate from the FRIENDS episodes where Joey moves out. He's in Salt Lake eating sandwiches ... Probably still crazy. He also hasn't aged a day.  

Okay now that those two main points were discussed let's get down to the overall trip highlights. 

First and foremost I went to In and Out which is totally a big deal for anyone from the east coast that is deprived of this fine eating establishment for 90% of the time. I may or may not have gone 3 times and have no shame about it. I don't know if I would enjoy it as much if I lived somewhere with one close by but at the moment it speaks to me on a spiritual level. 

I did a lot of eating in Salt Lake City because well I like eating and it's kind of important for survival. I also went to this little place called Oasis Cafe which is simply darling. It's an earthier little place and it's attached to the cutest little bookstore called Golden Braid Books. They do psychic readings there and I got one because a super special human got me one for my birthday. I was super stoked on it because it's something I've always wanted to do but, never did for myself. This was a really nice experience that has gotten me excited for my future and got me in touch more with myself. I'm not going to go in depth or anything like that but, it's definitely something that I would do again and would recommend to a friend. 

I did a lot of what I like to call "doing nature." If you know me I don't do a lot of outdoor exploring but, when in Rome. I also promised my friend Julie so I had to do it. Lastly... I really liked it soooo yeah I kind of wanted to do it. Being out in nature once in awhile is really nice. It puts life into perspective and is really soothing. I went to Capitol Hill which is at a really pretty park with a trail up to the top of this mountain that overlooks the city. I almost died because I'm super out of shape but, the view was breathtaking. 

I also went to the Salt Lake which was also super gorgeous. I'm not gonna lie though it kind of smelled terrible and there were a lot of dead birds but, I guess that's what happens when you're a lake with so much salt in it only brine shrimp can survive. 

There's a natural history museum at the University of Utah and it was pretty awesome. I risked getting lice and dressed up like a bird in their birds of paradise exhibit and basically played with any interactive showcase that they had because I'm still a child and have a hard time not wanting to rub my little fingers all over everything. 

I did a lot of other fun and amazing things while I was in Salt Lake but I think I'm gonna chalk these up as some of the best, fun, and different things I did while I was there. My psychic said I would be doing a ton of traveling for work and for pleasure so hopefully in the future posts like this will be more routine. 

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