Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Tea Talk Tuesday | Post #36

So my birthday was on Sunday - YAY for another year! I never really do a ton for my birthday. I can't even tell you the last time I had a party or went out with a ton of people for it. I usually just do something low key with my family/friends because it's just easier and I enjoy the intimacy. 

This year was no different. After work, I had a little family time and I went out to dinner with my best friend, Megan, and her boyfriend, Ernie. We got sushi, played some arcade games (we won some rubber ducks,) and took some polaroids and photo booth pictures. It was a super cute and fun night overall. I could have done without my waitstaff at dinner singing me happy birthday but, I guess it comes with the territory sometimes. I don't think I will ever grow out of that being my most hated form of public embarrassment. 

I'm going to try to make a post of some of the photos from my birthday night but, I'm going out of town tomorrow and I don't know what my internet situation is going to be like yet. Wish me luck! I'm also thinking about doing a few posts about my out of town adventures if I do anything especially exciting and interesting. At the very least I can post about my adventures when I get back next week. 

It's been a good year so here's to another good one full of adventures!!

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