Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Tea Talk Tuesday | Post #47

Another week has rolled by and a new week is picking up some serious momentum. It's always something new, isn't it!? Such is life but that's what keeps it interesting. Since I've been having a lot more going on and I've set more personal goals for myself I've become ADDICTED to trying out this new form of organization called bullet journalling. Basically it's creating your own planner and calendar in a blank journal.

I've been looking up pictures on instagram and tumblr for almost two weeks now. Looking at people's perfectly organized notes and pretty stationary is so satisfying. Honestly I've been doing more research than actual journalling because I'm a nutjob and I want everything to look perfect when I actually map everything out into a nice journal. I've been warming up to it by using smaller journals to organize other projects I have going on. Obsessed would be a nice way to put what's going on in my life right now. 

I have to say it's a really great way to relax and it's definitely made me want to organize other aspects of my life as well. I think giving myself small goals in order to achieve my bigger goals is really going to help me be more productive. I'm really excited, I just love things like this although my mess of a room would probably say otherwise.   

I can't wait to find out other cute little organization tips... and buy tons more pens.

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