Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Tea Talk Tuesday | Post #50

Happy Tuesday, Everyone! It's officially the second day of Spring and here in Maryland it's still way too cold for my liking. Last night it was switching between freezing rain and snow - there's nothing spring about that what-so-ever. I'm just ready for the warm weather. The only thing I'm not excited for is this weird thing my skin does when my allergies start to kick in... that weird thing is called breaking out unmercifully bad. Any other time of the year I can typically keep my skin in check but for the past two years my skin freaks out at the first taste of Spring and pollen. This year I'm taking preemptive measures and really taking care of my skin and making sure my pores are super clean. 

Does this happen to anyone else or am I just a giant freak?! I see a lot of Dr.Dennis Gross Alpha Beta Peels and Caolion Pore Packs in my future. 

On the plus side I told myself when the weather got warmer I would start running again. I think it's going to be hard to start back up but, I'm excited to get back into shape. Truth be told I've gained a tad bit of weight over the past few months. 

I can already sense that as the weather get's warmer that things are going to start getting a little hectic but in a good way. I'm hoping to have some fun personal projects taking shape in the near future if all goes to plan. Fingers crossed for 2016 to continuing to be one of my best years yet!  

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