Monday, March 21, 2016

My Favorite Way to Get Perfect Pores | Peach and Lily x Caolion Perfect Pores Kit - Review

Two skincare issues I have always had have been large pores (on my cheeks near my nose) and congestion. I feel like that's an issue a ton of people have to deal with and I'm really not ashamed to say that it has really been a struggle. As I've gotten older I've just noticed my pores more and it makes me a little self conscious to be honest also, I wear makeup almost everyday of the week so some congestion is bound to happen despite me washing my face every morning and evening. Sometimes I just need a little more of a kick to my skincare routine to really cleanse and tighten my pores so my skin can look and feel as healthy as possible. 
I've tried tons of masks, cleansers, and pore strips BUT I've finally found a pore routine that I truly love. Caolion, a leader in korean beauty skincare, has amazing pore products and recently I've been cocktailing four of them to get perfectly cleansed and tight pores. I use Caolion's Freshly Chitosan Foam Cleanser, Premium O2 Bubble Pore Pack, Premium Original Pore Pack, and their Pore Tightening Memory Sleeping Mask as a nightly routine once or twice a week at night to keep my pores in tip top shape. Together these products give the perfect deep cleanse for perfect pores without stripping my skin and making it feel tight and dry. I don't think I've ever found a regiment like this that has worked so well for my skin and now Peach and Lily, is exclusively bundling all the products together and making life so much easier! 

(Step 1:) Caolion Freshly Chitosan Foam Cleanser I've been using this cleanser every morning and night since I got it but, it's also the first step when I'm doing the full pore regiment. I absolutely love this foaming cleanser because not only does it balance the skin's pH with antioxidants and unshiu but it actually leaves my skin feeling soft and super hydrated. This is the only foaming cleanser I have ever found that hasn't made my skin feel super stripped after using it. It's safe to say that this will be in a Friday Favorites post in the near future.

(Step 2:) Caolion Premium O2 Bubble Pore Pack - I use the O2 bubble pack as the second step in my pore routine and it is the most fun part. I scoop some of the product into my hand and massage it into my face for a minute or two - instantly it begins to foam up. It tingles and tickles as the foam gets expands and the bubbles begin to pop. I think it looks like I rubbed grey bubbles from a bubble bath all over my face when I use it and I think it's hilariously amazing. The pack contains natural spring water and charcoal to suck out impurities and oat grains to help the skin retain it's moisture and to exfoliate. When I wash off the pack my skin feels so clean, soft, and prepped for my next step. 

(Step 3) Caolion Premium Original Pore Pack - Step three is the Original Pore pack and this is what really makes sure your pores are cleansed and tight. This is pretty key because having clean pores is awesome but I also want them to look the part as well. Since I've just exfoliated before using this the pack's glacial clay, Alaskan glacial water, and menthol really penetrate the skin and give you a super icy fresh feeling. Instantly my skin feels soothed and the cooling tingle makes me feel like I can almost feel my pores getting smaller (maybe it's in my mind but that's how I feel.)  

(Step 4) Caolion Pore Tightening Memory Sleeping Mask - Last but certainly not least I finish the regiment off with the Pore Tightening Memory Sleeping Mask. The look and texture is like a cool light jelly. As I scoop it out I can actually see the gel retake the shape of the container which I think is really cool because it's showing you how the memory technology is going to work on your skin in order to make your pores smaller. When I slip this mask onto my face it's like refreshment part two because it feels so soft and cooling with a hint of menthol tingle. The mask also hydrates which is great to replenish the skin for a more glowing complexion that I can instantly see when I wake up in the morning. 

It's not out yet but keep your eyes peeled because you get all four full sized products and the cleanser comes free. I felt like I had to tell everyone incase anyone is already a lover of caolion or if anyone was thinking about giving the line a shot. I love bundled packages, especially for skincare because you save money and you can actually try out a few products at once and create a routine that works for your lifestyle. My favorite time to use these is when I have the day off because it feels like a pre-bed spa treatment which makes waking up the next morning for work just a bit better. 

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