Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Tea Talk Tuesday | Post #54

I feel as though this year is really flying by quicker than I've expected. I think maybe it's because this past year has been such a whirlwind. There's been a lot of growth and change which although was unexpected definitely made me a better and bigger person. I wouldn't yet say that this is a year of metamorphosis but changes are definitely happening and now I'm getting ready for a few more. I realize that this introduction may make it seem like I'm pregnant or something but I assure you that I'm not - it's just a transitional period in my life. I'm becoming a more adulter adult and what not. 
In the next few months I really think that I'm going to be able to organize my life to the point where I actually have some work life balance which is something I haven't had in almost two years. It's a strange feeling and I really hope that it works out in my favor because there is so much makeup stuff that I want to delve into outside of my Sephora career. 

Since the beginning of my blog I have never been able to really give it the attention that I've wanted to for one reason or another and I'm really hoping with some new changes to my life that things will be different soon. For me this is just a comforting outlet and it keeps my mind fresh on new and innovative beauty products. I don't expect much to come from my blog but it's fun for me. 

At the very least I should have a lot of time to dedicate to blogging because I won't be able to do much else. I don't want to dive into much detail just yet but, I'm having surgery next week and I'll be on medical leave for two weeks  and since I won't be able to move much I'll probably be doing a lot of blogging and reading whenever I'm not sleeping. 

Stay tuned! I also might do a post on my surgery in case anyone has/is/or will be going through the same type of situation that I am currently. I feel like it's a pretty common procedure that might be a bit unsettling or embarrassing for them to talk about. I think it's always good to show people they aren't alone or as different as they feel.

Just an idea I've been throwing around in my head- Thoughts?! 

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