Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tea Talk Tuesday | Post #11

I traded my tea in for a latte today. It's been another long week and I really don't see them getting any shorter any time soon. Such is life though, there is always something going on. I'm getting a little more used to being busy all the time but, it doesn't necessarily make it any easier.
I feel like I talk about being busy a lot but, I'm sorry I'm not sorry, times are kicking my butt lately and I need to vent a little. Honestly, I've been venting a lot lately. I've been fortunate enough to spend a lot of time after work talking with friends and chatting about life. It's always comforting to know that people share the same views and struggles that you do. For obvious reasons it makes you feel a lot less crazy and way more relaxed. I think it's healthy to just let it all out every once and awhile. It helps to destress, put yourself at ease, and put life into perspective. Never bottle up all of your feelings, it's not worth it and will make you feel way more alone than you actually are in any situation. No one is ever alone even when they feel like they are, trust me. 

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