Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Sunday Pamper

I'm a big fan of pampering myself any time and every time I can, granted with my work schedule that isn't very often. Regardless when the time arises I take full advantage and pull out all the stops for myself (I treat myself so well sometimes.) I had a little work training this morning so my tired little self was in desperate need of a quick and relaxing pick me up. In my book that called for a relaxing bath, cleanse, and eye mask for my dark puffy little eyes. 

I was super excited to use my Lush Fluffy Egg bath bomb which smells like vanilla cotton candy and mixes so well with my Soap and Glory Smoothie Breakfast Scrub. Occasionally, I am into the sickly sweet side of life. The mix together is so relaxing and makes me feel so warm and cozy. Once I'm relaxed I used my new Foreo Luna Mini with my favorite cleanser, the Glamglow SUPERcleanse. I've been loving this combination because it leaves my skin feeling so soft, clean, and refreshed without it feeling stripped. Afterwards, I topped it all off with the Soap and Glory Smoothie Body Buttercream, slipped on some little Sephora Pearl Eye Masks and snuggled up with my tried and true tea and Netflix. 

I was actually planning on getting a few things done today but, after the last few crazy days of work I've felt like I really earned this calm day of relaxation and doing absolutely nothing. 

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