Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Tea Talk Tuesday | Post #17

On today's lovely walk through the concrete jungle on my way from work a ever so common thought dawned on me once again... Being a girl sucks and it don't mean that in the cliché "because we are expected to wear makeup/ shave our armpits" kind of way. Personally, I like that stuff and if it's not for you then it's not for you that's your prerogative, don't let people make you feel bad for doing you. I also like being a girl but, it comes with it's downfalls obviously. Anyway, I mean it in the whole I" forever have to live on the defensive" kind of way. Not to say guys never get worried about being in shady situations or getting creeped on but I have a strong feeling it happens to the female persuasion just a bit more. I even made a short list of reasons as to why I feel this way since I'm curious as to if anyone can relate to my current feels...

1. I have to be weary of helping strangers... I don't want to be an ass and say sorry I can't help you find the PF Changs when I obviously know right where it is but, I'm also not risking getting too close and getting ripped into your crusty 2004 honda odessy. 

2. I have to skeptical of the kindness of strangers... Sure someone could be doing something nice for me just for the sake of being nice but, my experiences have taught me this is rarely the case. You want something ... My undivided attention, my number, a favor, or something else I am clearly not about to deal with in my life. 

3. Doing anything alone is sketchy... And it doesn't even matter of there are tons of people around because they bystander theory says chances are no one is going to help you anyway, better yet they will probably watch you die, video tape it and upload it onto YouTube. Women get abducted from parking lots all the time without a trace yet for some reason no one ever seems to have any tips on the matter (hence sketchy.) Parking lots are busy 24/7 so really? No one saw what happened?! Janice just left her purse, keys, phone, and freshly purchased popsicles in the car and casually and willingly hopped into a random car never to be heard from again... Right, sure. 

4. Doing anything at night is sketchy... Ya know, the whole nine. If it was remotely discomforting to do during the day the anxiety of it has now been magnified by the force of one thousand suns. 

5. Walking anywhere is a nightmare... It doesn't matter if it's night or day, if you're alone or if your walking with a group of girlfriends, things are going to get a little discomforting at least once. I walk a lot and I can honestly say I haven't gone a day without getting beeped at or have something gross be screamed at me. I used to walk to work until a creepy guy followed me in his car and flashed me his parts at 3 in the afternoon. 

I'm not even trying to be dramatic but, by all means if I am let me know. I'm just sharing my late Tuesday feels. 

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