Friday, February 20, 2015

Friday Favorites | Tea

I'm a bit of a tea junkie to put my addiction mildy. I probably drink between five and ten cups of tea a day... not all caffeinated of course; I have been known to have several cups of chamomile tea throughout the day to quill my anxiety. I've gone through stages of being obsessed with different types of teas in the past but, I have gotten a pretty good rotation of my favorite teas going more recently. I don't use sugar or any other types of sweeteners although I have tried organic honey once or twice (literally once or twice ever.) 

Thanks to my friend Megan, who got me a tea defuser for Christmas, most of my favorite teas have become loose leaf. This is great for when I'm home but, considering the fact that I work a decent amount and I have a pretty long commute I also tend to carry several of my favorite tea bags on me at all times (prematurely becoming my grandmother.)  I don't know much about the caffeine levels, body types, or any of that jazz about teas. I just drink it an obnoxiously large amount. I get most of my loose leaf teas from Wegman's but, Teavana is pretty cool too. Now with that being said I've made this list because several people have asked me in the past what my favorite teas are so I am sharing them with you...but... don't expect any real descriptions because I don't even know how to really go about doing that in a sophisticated and proper manner.  

Lavender Sencha Green Tea (Wegmans)

Organic Jade Oolong Tea (Wegmans)

Organic WU Yi Oolong Tea (Wegmans)

Tranquil Dream Herbal Tea (Teavana) 

Numi Organic Toasted Rice Tea (Whole Foods | Harris Teeter) 

Twinning's Pure Camomile Herbal Tea (Whole Foods | Harris Teeter)

All of the teas that I drink on a normal basis are pretty bitter and earthy tasting besides the Tranquil Dream tea which is pretty citrusy. I'm not a fan of really sweet teas or anything like that because it just seems a little bit ... odd, unless it's an iced tea. I love trying new teas. Wegman's has tons and tons of tins filled with loose leafed teas and I can't wait to grab a few more of them so I can add them to my list of favorites. 

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