Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Tea Talk Tuesday | Post #29

I think I am getting to the point in my life where I am having a makeup mental breakdown. I doubt it will last for more than a week or so but, I'm at the point where I don't know what I want to try next. There are so many new products out there I don't know where to start. I am obviously drawn to a lot of products that are similar to what I have but, I feel like I should branch out more. I think that this would make for not only more fun reads for all of you but it would also be a good way to switch up my usual routines a bit. 

I know I'll end up buying some products that are really similar to what I already have but, I'm determined to buy a few new colors and products as well. I just don't know which ones yet because obviously I want to get things that I will actually use either for myself or for my kit. The whole decision making thing is definitely a little more pressing than it should be. It's probably a little silly that I'm putting so much thought into it but, at least I'm making a valiant attempt to be a "smart shopper" or something kind of like that... Okay, probably because Lord knows I'll be spending way more money than I should over the next few weeks. A small price to pay for beauty if you ask me. 

Either way no matter what I end up buying look for some fun new product reviews and other fun blog post soon! With all these new fall trends and launches coming out we're all in for an exciting ride. 

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