Thursday, September 17, 2015

A Day in the Life | A Series of Unfortunate Selfies

So I decided to try something a little fun and different and document my day yesterday. Last night I did an overnight at work so I had the whole day to kind of hangout and do as I pleased. I tried to sleep in but that didn't really work so I made the best out of my day. This is pretty rare for me to not have any idea what I'm going to do with my day so I tried to take advantage of it the best that I could and actually get out and do something fun with the day.

By no means was my day super crazy or exciting but, it was a nice fun day none the less. So here's a day in the life of a very vanilla human being... 

I started the day off with some puppy hangs and coffee which is no doubt the most relaxing and positive way to start the day. If you don't have a pet I recommend one, they are cute, furry, and better than 99% of people you will meet in your life. 

After my morning breakfast date I got ready and did a little blog post on my new Chaos Makeup Highlighter Duo. I wasn't going to wear makeup yesterday but, I still had to take pictures for my post and I needed another excuse to put my new baby on. I still can't get over the cute the seashell packaging... Someone throw me in the ocean I want to be a mermaid.

While I was finishing my blog post my sister asked me if I would come with her to the mall so she could pick up a few things that she had ordered. I figured why not since I would always use a trip to the mall so I could buy things I don't need. 

...Andddd that's exactly what I did. I bought some new sunglasses (which I actually kind of needed) and some new keychains to add to my collection. Yes, I collect figurine keychains. I love them and I think they are super cute. I'm also really good at figuring out which one is which through the packaging. It's a special talent that's great to whip out among friends. I'm still looking for Cruella De Vil so if someone finds her hook it up, fam.

After that it was time to drive myself down Bethesda to drop off a few things to a friend, get coffee with my one and only princess Megan, and head into work. I sat through loads of construction traffic on the highway and sat at a red light so many times that I contemplated buying myself a bouquet of roses from the guy selling them on the street to reward myself for not going into a terrible fit of road rage (p.s isn't this a really flattering angle for me.)

At the end of my long journey I finally made it for coffee and a little girl talk before I started my long night at work. This was a key and pivotal moment in my mental preparation. We also took photobooth pictures which turned out pretty half cute. 

In the end I finally made it to work where about 5 minutes in the fire alarm randomly went off and we had to sit outside until we were given the okay to go back in. Thankfully there wasn't a real fire because it took us so long to get outside if there was one we probably would have died. Can you tell I'm already feeling like I need to sleep!?

Anddd then around 6 am I finally made it home and went to bed but no one needs to see what I looked like at that point. The End. 

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