Thursday, October 8, 2015

A Pseudo Tea Talk Tuesday on a Thrusday

So Tuesday my friend Julie and I had a Ramen date in DC after work. I planned to document the whole adventure and post about it that night but, I got home a lot later than I thought I would and I fell straight to sleep so obviously that plan didn't quite work out. It's fine though, we must adapt. I don't really go out and do things very often so this was quite a treat for me. Sometimes a homebody just has to crack out of her shell and explore the world a bit. 

So Julie and I are attempting to make it a goal that we explore all of the best Ramen places in the DMV (DC, Maryland, and Virginia.) This little place called Sakuramen was our first place on the list... well technically it was the second but, it was the first of our official adventure. 

Sakuramen is in the Adams Morgan area of DC and like all other parts of DC it's a heart attack and a half to drive through, parking is what nightmares are made of, and on the off chance you find a parking garage there be prepared to donate a kidney to pay for it. On the plus side it's totally worth it for the cute little restaurants, bars, shops, and ambiance... except for on the weekends when apparently things go a little south. 

This place has amazing food and I ALMOST didn't even mind how small and close the quarters where in there. I totally get the traditional vibe behind it but, I kind of sorta prefer my personal space and not feeling like I'm third wheeling the date of the couple beside me. Eh oh well, it's fine because the food was amazing. I ordered the DC Miso without knowing what was in it because I got nervous, saw the word miso, and just ran with it. Fortunately for me it worked out wonderfully - not like I expected anything less though. I've been a bit sick lately so the soup definitely helped me out quite a bit.  

Things have been feeling a bit strange lately so I'm really glad I was not only able to survive a DC drive but also have an amazing time with an amazing friend and good conversation. It definitely reminded me I need to go out and do more fun and different things. I'm really hoping these ramen adventures become a common thing. *fingers crossed* 

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