Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Tea Talk Tuesday | Post #35

October is my favorite month of the year because American Horror Story starts up, Halloween happens, and it's my birthday month. Honestly, it doesn't really get much better than that. I could do without the colder days but, you gotta take the good with the bad. I haven't really made any birthday plans BUT I've been thinking up some fun Halloween makeup looks to try out!!
I'm still not 100% on which looks I want to try out for Halloween but, I've been making a little list of some cute looks as well as some gore SFX looks. I'm pretty excited to really get some ideas drawn out so I can really put them into action. Monday, I'm doing a little Halloween makeup glam day with my friends Mimi and Sandra so I better get my butt in gear before then. I do have some ideas saved to my phone so at least I have something as a start. 

Other than that there's not much to report. I do have to admit I may or may not have been constantly craving ramen since Julie and I's little date last week. It might just be one of my new favorite things. 

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