Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Tea Talk Tuesday | Post #37

Is it just me or are the holidays sometimes borderline too stressful to be fun. There is so much to do in seemingly very little time. Everyone wants to spend time with you in between working and whatever else you have to do and on top of that you still have to find some time to slip away and get some gift shopping done while rubbing shoulders with the grubby masses. Sometimes I feel like gifts are more important to some people than actually spending time with their loved ones. It's a sad reality. 

My comments aren't to say that gifts cannot be a great way to show someone you care. I actually take great pride in my gift giving skills. I get some sort of almost sick satisfaction in watching someone open my perfectly plotted and executed gift. I think it's important to give people things that they actually like and fit who they are because it shows that you listen and actually know them. I love to give with meaning. There is nothing worse than opening a gift from a friend and just kind of staring at it in confusion as you pretend to be really excited for it. Getting someone some last minute nothing is honestly the best waist of money way to show someone how much you really don't care about them. 

With all of that being said have some balance for your holiday season and when you give please give with some thought. I might try to put together a post of little gift ideas to help your journey but I haven't quite decided what I would do yet... we shall see.  

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