Thursday, December 17, 2015

Holiday Party Touch-Up Bag Essentials

Here's another holiday related post since tis the season and all. You know jingle bells, mistletoe, and holiday parties and all that jazz. There's a lot going on and I think there are a few bare essential things that us ladies may just need to carry around for those just in case moments. 
When I say bare essentials I really mean bare essentials because trust me I could make a serious female survival kit if someone wanted me to but, I felt like other people probably aren't as excessive as I am when it comes to emergency items and touch ups on the go. 

First things first, hair ties and bobby pins are a must. I find them to be a lifesaver when I get tired of having to move my hair out of my face every five seconds. No one ever has a hair tie when you need one so it's better to just be prepared. Everyone knows it's rare for a hairstyle to last through the night. 

Speaking of things no one ever has when you need one, tampons are also a must. If you don't save your own life with these you'll save someone else's. They are detrimentally important. Having tampons on you is the most quick and easy way to be the MVP anywhere you go. I'm pretty sure it's a proven fact. 

You should also always carry around blotting sheets or blotting powder for makeup touch ups and cutting down shine. It happens to the best of us and although a little glow never hurt anyone sometimes we just need to take it down a notch so we aren't glowing brighter than a sequin dress in photos. 

While we are talking about makeup touch ups let's also toss eyeliner, mascara, and a lipstick into the mix. Everyone needs a little adjusting every now and then, makeup starts to get a little dim and just needs a little boost to make it though. I tend to go for a mini mascara and liner so if something happens to them I won't be too devastated by my loss. Usually anything will do for me as long as it's black and smudge proof. When it comes to the lipstick it's obviously interchangeable... Whatever I'm wearing is coming with me no if ands or buts about that... I would be pretty devastated if I lost my lipstick I'm not gonna lie. 

Anyway, it's also a pretty good idea to carry some cash on you. Obviously it's good to have handy for tipping, getting snacks out of vending machines, and cab rides but, apparently (fun safety tip) it's good to have on you if you unfortunately get mugged. I can't confirm or deny this fact because fortunately I've never been in that situation but, my dad always told me it was a good idea so your attacker wouldn't get as aggressive as they would if you told them you didn't have any money. Like I said I can't confirm or deny but, it makes a lot of sense to me.

Last but certainly not least, always carry ibuprofen. It kind of speaks for itself because I'm pretty positive you're going to need it for something. I carry some around with me no matter what because every time I haven't I've ended up regretting it terribly.

Like I said personally I find these to be the bare essentials but, they will definitely be enough to get you through your holiday party night still primped and intact. 

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