Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Tea Talk Tuesday | Post #40

Happy Tuesday! Working through the Holiday is so draining. I think the only thing that's keeping me sane is knowing that it's almost over. As much as I love the family togetherness this time of year I swear that it also brings out the absolute worst in people, especially when they are out in public. It's the whole tell your family how much you love them then punch someone in the face for a PlayStation thing... It's absolutely sickening in its hypocrisy and it really works my nerves to no end because it truly makes no sense to me... Okay *end rant.*
With all that being said I haven't really gotten to do too much holiday stuff on the blog but at the very least I'm going to put up a little last minute gift guide Thursday or Friday for those of us procrastinators who still haven't even thought much about it. I'll probably do something Sephora related because makeup duh! Also Sephora has 3 day shipping so if you can't find it in the store you can at least find it online and it will come to you in time to at least throw it in a bag with some tissue paper.

I have a little something else up my sleeve as well but, I'm not completely ready to divulge that secret just quite yet. Just know that it will be up at the end of this week or the beginning of next! :) 

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