You know what the worst thing about getting older is? The holidays lose their sparkle. Don't get me wrong I love this time of year but, I think as we get older this time of year gets to be more stressful than exciting. Everyday that you have to go out in public it's like walking into a warzone. People are running around with chickens with their heads cut off ready to murder you if you get in their way. Almost dying every time you go out to shop is freaking stressful!
Thank The Lord for online shopping because it has seriously saved my butt. Working all day and dealing with people makes going to the mall and dealing with even more people the last thing I want to do. I would much rather sit at home in my sweatpants and buy things online. I love getting things in the mail anyway so it's a win win in my book.
On the plus side I love wrapping and giving gifts. I love watching people open the gifts I give them too. The amount of enjoyment I get out of it is almost disgusting. I'll sit around for hours meticulously decorating my christmas wrapping. I did a real number on my best friend's Hanukkah presents. I might just have to make a mini post about it so everyone can understand how weird I am about it.
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