Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Autumn Skincare Edit: Bright Hydrated Skin

As the days get shorter and cooler my skin tends to start lacking. It doesn't look as bright and makeup begins to not quite lay the same way. As Autumn kicks into gear so do my seasonal allergies. A chapped red and unfortunately flakey nose is no stranger around these parts. Although I keep my oily/combination skin type all year round that doesn't mean I still don't have to fight skin dullness and dehydration that comes with the fast approaching cooler weather. Fortunately, I don't have to change up my whole routine. I just add a few little pick me up products to perk up my skin and give it a boost of hydration and glow. 

I'm a bit of a skincare junkie so adding products into my skincare regimen is pretty exciting for me. I know that at the end of the day I won't be happy with my makeup if my skin isn't on point so I always take my time pampering it and treating it right.  Whether it's a mask, treatment, or peel I'm always open to a little bit of self-care. 

My two most recent skincare add-ons have came just in time to amp up my autumn skincare routine. 

Enter the Herbivore Rose Hibiscus Coconut Water Hydrating Face Mist. This facial mist is an amazing skin refresher. I always do a few sprays and press it into my skin before applying my Sunday Riley Tidal moisturizer. Afterwards my skin feels soft, toned, and ready to really absorb my moisturizer allowing for perfect makeup application. This face mist with it's cooling feel and lovely soft rose scent is a perfect way to start any morning.

The extra boost of hydration from the Herbivore Rose Hibiscus Coconut Water Hydrating Face Mist has really saved me on days where my allergies have left my skin dry and irritated because not only is it helping to rehydrate my skin but the rose also tones and calms my redness. 

Might I also add that I love this mist for when I'm too lazy to moisturize as soon as I get out of the shower but, don't want my face to feel tight and itchy as I lay on my bed for half an hour surfing instagram. Just a few sprays is enough to bide me a little bit of lazy time before I really go in with my daily skincare. 

In conjunction with my new favorite hydrating mist I've also been adding the Fresh Vitamin Nectar Vibrancy-Boosting Face Mask to my skincare ranks once or twice a week. This mask smells like fruit, looks like jam, and packs a triple threat as a mask, exfoliator, and peel all in one leaving my skin soft and radiant. I absolutely love the way my skin looks and feels after using this mask. Created with citrus fruit this mask peels and exfoliates to reveal brighter, more even, softer skin in just one use without being too harsh or stripping. 

The toning qualities Fresh Vitamin Nectar Vibrancy-Boosting Face Mask along with those in the Herbivore Rose Hibiscus Coconut Water Hydrating Face Mist are really working wonders on any and all redness and dullness. I think it's safe to say I don't think I'll have any issues with angry chapped skin this year. 

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