Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Tea Talk Tuesday | Post #60 31 Days of Halloween

Although any type of weather that involves the temperature being below 70 degrees is not my thing, October is my favorite month of the year. Not only is it my birthday month *cough October25th cough* but it's also my favorite month long holiday, Halloween. Ever since I was little I've really loved the ambiance around the holiday, the idea of being able to be creative and dress up as whatever you wanted. 

In spirit of the holiday I've decided to do 31 days of Halloween on my instagram. It's kind of a pretty heavy pursuit since I don't always have the most free time. I work full time and have countless things I'm trying to balance but so far so good. I've been trying to keep ahead of the game by doing Halloween looks whenever I can, sometimes doing multiple looks in a row on my days off. Needless to say on those days my face feels like it's going to fall off from all the washing and rubbing going on. I'm praying that it doesn't break me out but if it does at least it was in the pursuit of art. I've been trying to counterbalance all the abuse with lots of hydrating face masks and moisturizers. 

There are tons of cool looks out there but I've already noticed sometimes I'm at a loss at trying to do something cool and different that isn't already plastered all over the internet. The creative rut I've been in is still nipping at my heels but, I'm just trying to push my way through and bulldoze over it. 

On the other hand, I am excited about quite a few looks I've put together so far. I think that I'm going to save the best ones for closer to Halloween almost like a top 5 or 10 count down to the big day. That's the idea at the moment anyway but, we shall see if that changes as we get closer to Halloween. 

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