Monday, October 5, 2015

Makeup Mistakes I've Made

I don't think anyone can look back on past photos of themselves without facepalming themselves anywhere from 1 to 1000 times. In the moment you thought you were borderline supermodel status but in hindsight you may have actually just looked like you got ready in the dark. Looking back you also realized everyone always told you how great you did your makeup or how on point your eyebrows were and you can see now that they were all clearly lying to you. I think a look down memory lane can be a funny way to look at how far you've come even if you look back on today in a few years and still wonder what the hell you're doing because it's a whole lot better than how middle school, high school, and maybe even some college makeup went. 

I've managed to find a few photos that really embodied how hilarious my makeup journey has been because sometimes we need to be able to laugh at ourselves and be thankful we've moved on to bigger and better things with better makeup brushes and some self control. 

1. I wore way too much blue eyeshadow. 

Channeling my inner Mimi from the Drew Carey show I slapped on blue shadow with a black crease like it was going out of style. Morbid colors cream eyeshadows were my go to and I layered them with whatever other powdered shadows I could find. I was like a majestic blue panda and no one could tell me and all my elitist Myspace perfection groups that I wasn't a total 10. 

2. I wasn't always the best at blending.

Sometimes you just want to make sure all the colors you used were distinctly visible... blending would only complicate things and ruin the integrity of the colors. 

3. I over plucked my eyebrows

I naturally have very full eyebrows but once I realized eyebrows were a thing I decided the best mode of action was obviously to make them as short and thin as possible so I could draw them in. Oh the logic. 

4. I over drew my eyebrows

After my over plucking phase I clearly had to jump to the next extreme and over fill my brows to the brink of drag. They were so boxy and dark I may or may not have had a tan line from them... Make Up For Ever Aqua Brow is not a joke and should not be overused. 

Ya know... looking back things still could have been worse. I think haha. 

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