Wednesday, June 4, 2014

#GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso

I love reading and although normally I don't get to it for pleasure often I adore finding a good read. The world has been buzzing about this book so I knew I couldn't pass up the opportunity to check it out. #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso, founder and CEO of Nasty Gal, is not a memoir of success or a how-to guide on how to build your own multi-million dollar company. It is a book filled with a great deal more inspiration and insight than that. Through her own out of the ordinary, strayed from the path story of self discovery compiled with other #GIRLBOSS stories, self-reflective insight, and tips for the fighting your way through the real life work world, Sophia shows every girl they hold within them what it takes to be a #GIRLBOSS so long as they put in effort and never give up even when the odds are stacked against them. There is nothing a girl can't do with a little self-love, self-confidence, and a gut instinct. In this book it is easy to see that being a #GIRLBOSS is more than beauty products and high price fashion pieces. Being a #GIRLBOSS is your personal style coupled with a positive and infectious confident attitude that allows you to rock and own everything you do. A #GIRLBOSS knows when to follow the rules and knows when to break them. It's all about empowering yourself and doing the things that make you happy, give your life purpose, and make you happy to get up in the morning. Never beat yourself up for not taking the straight and narrow because your chosen path may take you somewhere amazing that you never expected.

 If you have ever felt the need to be inspired and empowered look no farther than this book. Personally, within the first few pages I was so overtaken by sass, edginess, and determination that it has still stuck with me even in this moment. I have no doubt anyone who reads this book will feel the same. Finishing this book was a bittersweet accomplishment because it made me ready to take on the world but I still craved more stories and Sophia's raw insight. I 100% recommend this book if it isn't obvious already. Grab this book, inspire yourself, hustle, love yourself, and release the inner #GIRLBOSS inside of you.

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