Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Tea Talk Tuesday | Post #5

It's been a week and I am still too nice of a person; not like you break old habits in a week but, damn I feel like I need to at least make a little more progress in the backbone department. Honestly, I think I should be writing things down in order to address my problems, solutions, and goals so I can get myself on track. Without some type of thought out written down system I am going not going to get myself together enough to accomplish what I want or enough to make myself happy. Sometimes a little organization in a crafty way is all I need to really want to get the ball rolling; I find it to be really calming and therapeutic. It allows me to get into a positive mindset and reminds me not to be so self-critical. On a positive note though I am feeling way better about doing all of this change; Now I just have to keep myself in this mindset! 

OKAY! To totally switch gears onto a totally different note I finally got to do a little FX makeup look that I have been thinking about for awhile which is pretty exciting. I have only attempted FX makeup twice before so I am pretty happy with the way that it turned out. Being able to take time out of my day to do fun little creative things is the best because it's so relaxing to be create something new and it allows me to whip out some weird fun skills I don't get to hone on a normal basis. I wish I could do things like this more often and I totally need more friends that would be willing to lend me their faces so I could do things like this to them. Someone come be my friend so I can put makeup on you! Please and thank you :)

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