Thursday, October 15, 2015

5 Things I've Learned Over the Past Year

Now that my birthday is right around the corner I've been thinking back on the past year and how much things have changed. I can't really complain though I've come a long way in a profession that I love and I'm surrounded by an amazing support system; At the end of the day I can't really ask for more. I've learned a lot of life lessons this year and they have made quite the impact on my life. I can proudly say I've grown a lot this year and no matter how much more I need to go I'm glad I've made it this far. 

I think five things I've learned have really stood out to me as important things everyone needs to know when growing up and trying to "adult." 

- Don't worry about things you can't control:

I think we all get caught up in things we can't control such as what other people do, whether or not the weather will be bad on an important date, or how quickly traffic will move. They are all things that we have ZERO control over so there is no reason to be upset about them because at the end of the day there is nothing we can do. We are wasting energy. It's better to use that energy on ourselves and what we can actually do like always putting your best foot forward, adapting to life the best we can, and leaving the house on time. 

- Love Yourself: 

Be nice to yourself, give yourself nice things, exfoliate and moisturize, and don't forget to pamper yourself. Give yourself all of the love and kindness you can. Remind yourself that you're great and that you can do anything you put your mind to. When you're having a bad day remind yourself that you're doing the best you can and that tomorrow is a new start. Realize the people who don't value you aren't worth it and people who lift you up are the only ones that you should surround yourself. YOU ARE AS COOL AS YOUR MOM TELLS YOU!!

- Find happiness within yourself: 

Realize that your own happiness comes from within yourself. No one else should be the sole source of your happiness for two reasons - 1 when you rest your happiness in someone else it's not going to last forever and 2 it's not fair to put that kind of pressure on someone else because it could put a lot of strain on a relationship. You're the only one that can truly bring you happiness because it's something only you can control that comes from within. 

- Be Gracious:

No matter what you have be thankful for it because at the end of the day you have a lot more than it feels. Even when you're sad and you feel like you have nothing you still have things to be grateful for whether that be the fact that you have a safe place to sleep, someone to vent to, or just the fact that you're healthy and fully functioning. Life is full of gifts both big and small the key is recognizing them because it gives you such a more positive outlook on life. 

- Live in the moment and don't focus on your expectations: 

No situation will ever go the way that you expect it to so remember sometimes you just need to relax, go with the flow, and live in the now. Be thankful for every new experience no matter how they end up.  Just be happy for the journey and the memories that the journey brings with it. You'll miss out on a lot if you focus on what you wish you had instead of what you do have. 

It's the little positive life changes that make all the difference. 

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