Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Tea Talk Tuesday| Post #22

So I've decided I have to get a bit more organized and professional in my makeup artist career. I've done a ton of makeup but, for whatever reason I never think to take pictures of it or really get out there freelance wise. I feel those are things I really need to start doing in order to better establish myself. Also it's obviously a great way to gain practice and better hone my skills. 

It seems like a lot of people would be interested in letting me do their makeup which is awesome to me so I suppose the next step would be getting in contact and setting up some dates to get things done. I talked to a photographer friend of mine who said that we could collab on a shoot together my portfolio which is super exciting to me! I'm starting to look at different types of art and things like that to get some inspiration on what type of theme/makeup I want to do for the shoot. I've got a few ideas but, I'm going to have to create a few face charts and do a few trial runs to see what I really want to do for sure. 

It's all a bit stressful since my work schedule is forever sporadic but, fortunately my manager got really ahead on it the other day so I actually know what the next few weeks have in store. I think it should help me get things together a bit. Hopefully that will also give me the ability to set up some freelance stuff as well. Fingers crossed on making moves. I'm looking forward to some big things in the future. 

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