Monday, August 31, 2015

Wet n' Wild Limited Edition Fall Lipsticks | Photobomb, Coffee Buzz, Vintage Vibe

It's technically still summer yet here I am with a little Fall lipstick collection post. You've gotta start a little early to stay on board with the trends sometimes. It gives you time to find your favorite colors, stock up, and tweak trends to your personal style. I love all the dark fall color trends because they obviously go amazingly with a nude lip but, I also love getting down with a dark lip when I'm feeling extra edgy and sassy. Also, dark lipsticks have a special place in my soul since I'm a little child of the darkness at heart. I wish you all could have seen me circa 8th grade decked out in my black jelly bracelets, morbid cosmetics black lipstick, and Tripp pants. It was a fantastic time - trust me. 

[Top to Bottom: Photobomb, Coffee Buzz, Vintage Vibe]

Anyway, enough about the goth days and onto today's little feature. Maybe I'm wrong but, I feel like Wet n' Wild is always the first drugstore brand to come out with their fall launches. I may feel this way because their color choices are always the most distinct for the season. They're always bold and unique to the season, I love it. I'm also a sucker for their matte rubber limited edition packaging because I think it's a little more sleek and tasteful. Wet n' Wild comes out with a ton of Fall lipsticks, eye shadows, and nail polishes. As a lipstick junkie I only really care about the lippies though so that's all I picked up.

The collection is comprised of six Mega Last Lipsticks, Celeb Sighting, On the Ave, Nightcap, Photobomb, Coffee Buzz, and Vintage Vibe. I only picked up three of the six, Photobomb - a dark burgundy wine, Coffee Buzz - a black toned purple, and Vintage Vibe - a classic red toned berry, because I prefer darker colors over the more vibrant pops of color. I would have picked up Nightcap too which is a lovely warm dark brown but, my Walgreen's didn't have it (I'm sad but, it's fine.) Either way the lipsticks are the exact same formulation as the original Mega Last Lipstick line. They're super opaque, creamy, and glide on effortlessly. They have a lovely 4-5 hour wear time and they are super easy to reapply. Obviously touch ups are a bit necessary after eating and drinking but, that is the nature of the beast when it comes to wearing lipsticks, especially the darker ones. 

I love these colors and they are reminding me a lot of the Nars Audacious lipsticks that they have on the Trending at Sephora linears except for only a small fraction of the price. Wet n' Wild has some of my favorite drugstore lippies. They are a great product for an even better price so these little guys are definitely worth checking out. 

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