Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Tea Talk Tuesday | Post #39

You know what's really soul crushing? - When you write up some blog posts to get you through the Thanksgiving week and they randomly disappear; Hours of research and writing flushed right into the abyss of the internet toilet. It's been a crazy few days of family and work... mostly just work, so I didn't even realize it until Monday morning when I had trouble uploading my post for the day that I had been working on Sunday night. 

Typically all of my posts autosave but, I guess something glitched because it totally crashed on me. I was trying to add my product photos to my Monday post but I was running late for work so when the page became unresponsive I just let it be and figured I would be able to fix it when I got off work. Yeah, I was wrong. When I came back to my computer the page was still unresponsive, frozen, and eventually (and depressingly) I had to kill the page. Since I saved my post the night before I figured it would still be in my drafts but, nope nothing. I realized last Wednesday, Friday, and Monday's posts were nowhere to be found. I'm not going to lie I basically had a heart attack and then part of me died. 

I have thankfully come to terms with this horrific event but, I'm still pretty annoyed with myself for not saving backups to my computer. I guess that will teach me to trust the internet. Excuse me while I use the rest of my free time to attempt to recreate at least my Monday post and cry a little. 

On a brighter note I hope everyone had an amazing holiday with their friends, family, and loved ones. 

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