Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Tea Talk Tuesday | Post #38

Now that the holidays are sitting right on top of us I think it's time to take a moment to think about all of the things that we are thankful for. Sometimes we get wrapped up in all the chaos and the "I want" mentality that we don't really take the time to cherish what we already have in front of us. Take time to focus on the haves instead of the have nots. I think that we get so accustomed to always having some things we don't even realize that they are gifts that we should be thankful for. 
I write down a thing or two that I am particularly thankful for everyday. Today I just wanted to share with all of you a few things that I really try to never take for granted. I tried to pick a few things that I feel like can be overlooked at times because those seem to be some of the best and most important even though they may seem like insignificant things. 

1. I'm thankful for another day of life - Another day of life is something that is never promised so I don't think that it should ever be taken for granted. Unfortunately not everyone has the gift of a new day. 

2. I'm thankful for my health and able body - You know what they say you don't really appreciate your health until your sinuses are so clogged you have to resort to being a mouth breather. It's true and honestly that's best case sanario because at least at the end of being sick you know you'll be able to breathe normally once again. For many people health is just a distant memory or something they have never gotten to know. 

3. I'm thankful for never having to worry about where I'm going to sleep - I don't know anyone who doesn't love a good night's rest. It's terrible to think that there are many people who don't really know where or when that is going to happen. Being able to come home to a warm comfortable bed where you can sleep safely is so important to having a well functioning life because let's be honest it's pretty hard to think and function properly without a good night's sleep. 

4. I'm thankful for my support system - I like to keep a pretty small circle but I am thankful for every single person in it because I know that I have their love and support. I always think it's heartbreaking to see people surrounded by people that just want to use them. The thought of having no one to talk to or to have your back is such a lonely one that I wouldn't want to wish it upon anyone. Everyone deserves to have people around them that they can rely on. 

5. I'm thankful for good memories - There's nothing better than being able to look back on good times and smile, especially when you're feeling down. Memories are there to remind us that we've had happy times and that we have the ability to make more. Good memories are what we get to look back on at the end of our lives to remind us of our amazing journey and what we have accomplished. 

My list doesn't even scratch the surface of things to be grateful for. Always remember that there is a lot to be thankful for even when it doesn't seem like it. Not every gift has to be a tangible one. 

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