Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Tea Talk Tuesday | Post #55

Now that I'm recovering from my surgeries at home I'm trying to get back into the swing of my usual routines. Now, this is kind of difficult since I can't lift anything heavier than 5 lbs. and I can't drive yet but, at least it gives me a good amount of time to catch up on my blogging. I've missed it so much even though I haven't really thought up too many blog post ideas since my abdominal discomfort has been pretty distracting. Does anyone else feel like it's hard to accomplish things when you don't quite feel 100% yourself?!

Either way I'm just pushing forward and trying to ignore it because honestly I'm nowhere near as bad as I was two weeks ago and if I could deal with that the rest of my recovery should be a cakewalk in comparison. Now it's time to utilize the time I've been given to get better and accomplish what I can while sipping on some jasmine green tea with almond milk. 

Obviously I've been doing a lot of online shopping so as soon as all of my goodies come in I should have a good amount of things to chat with you all about. 

Until then I just want to just talk about some positive things.

1. I'm so thankful for every single person who has reached out to check on me/visit me/or support me the best that they could while I've been recovering. It really just warms my little heart and has reminded me of how many amazing people I have in my life. 

2. Since I really haven't been wearing any makeup my skin is so clear right now. I'm so excited although I still love my full coverage foundations. Let's hope I can maintain this skin even when I go back to wearing makeup 5-6 days a week. I'm currently praying to the skin gods about this one. 

3. I'm really really enjoying being able to spend time at home. Typically when I'm working I don't really get to see my family much - our schedules don't really match up but since i'm out of commission I've gotten to see them so much more and I've really been loving every minute of it.

I hope everyone has an amazing week. 

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