Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Tea Talk Tuesday | Post #57

In case anyone was wondering the room purge is going pretty well. I've still got a ways to go but I'm in the midst of turning my desk into a vanity where I can do my makeup. I've made a few little DIY brush holders and crafted some letter holders into palette holders as well as repotted a few cacti to give the room a little color. It's all coming along so well even though it's a bit messy still. Progress is progress.

The whole organizing thing is a little on the slow side and a little overwhelming since I find myself just wanting to get rid of more and more but I'm unsure if all that is totally necessary at the moment. As you can see I'm still going through a minimalist crisis. Sometimes I find it a bit hard to keep myself motivated for one reason or another, whether it's my own self doubt that brings me down or anxiety over seemingly insignificant things in my life. I don't talk about it often because obviously it's something only I can work on within myself. Personally, I think I've learned to handle it quite well and have always found something therapeutic to sink myself into that seems to put me back into sync again. Usually it's something on the hands on side - a little crafting, a little makeup zen time, keeping lists of gratitude, that sort of thing. 

Currently, repotting cacti are my business. I've been repurposing old candles along with other little pots and preparing them for new little plant babies. There is something really soothing about the whole process but, I'm trying to not get too far ahead of myself considering the fact that I've been known to have a black thumb in the past. I don't think it would be the best idea to buy a whole bunch of plants just to watch them die but, I have decided to get a new one every now and then as a reward when I accomplish something (mildly) significant. I figured that might slow me down enough to get in some plant care research so all my plants can have a long happy plant-tastic life. 

I've been looking for cool ideas and ways to style new plants I may get in the future and it's really made me want to take a pottery class too so I can make custom little pots. I might be thinking too far ahead but I'm definitely one to really jump head first into thinking about ideas for new projects. 

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