Monday, January 27, 2014

My Tattoos

Hello, Loves! Over the years I have acquired a few tattoos. They aren't something for everyone. I personally enjoy and appreciate them as a beautiful artform. Most of mine aren't usually visible so when people can see them I tend to get some questions. I figured I would share all of my tattoos and what-not with you here. 

Some of my tattoos I've had for years and other ones are fairly recent. I can't say that I regret any of them and I don't think that I ever will. I treat my tattoos as I do any other feature of myself. They are a part of me so I treat them as such, they are part of what makes me who I am.

My "Stay True" lip tattoo was the first one I ever got when I was fifteen/sixteen. I'm pretty surprised that this tattoo still even exists considering that most people's lip tattoos fall out within weeks or months of getting it done and I've had mine for about 7 years. I thought I was a total badass for getting a tattoo before I was eighteen (oh yes I was so cool with my tattoo no one could even see.) A friend of mine was a tattoo artist and I got it done in the living room of his apartment for $10. Not the smartest idea of my life considering that an apartment isn't the most sterile place in the world. I never connected the phrase with being sober or anything of the sort. I really enjoyed the message of being true and believing in yourself.

(Location: Right Hip/ Done by Vaughn Rosendale currently at Electric Tattoo)

This tattoo was my first real piece. I had been thinking about this idea for quite a long time and then I finally got it on my last day of high school. "And miles to go before I sleep" is a line from Robert Frost's Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening. It is one of my favorite poems and it really struck a chord within me. I've always had issues with anxiety and at the time I was about to start a whole new chapter of my life which seemed quite daunting. I got this tattoo to remind myself that I always have to keep going because I have too much to do to give up. It also reminds me that I have a lot of promises to keep not only to myself but those around me as well. 

(Location: Right Ribs/Done by Vaughn Rosendale currently at Electric Tattoo)

I got this tattoo a year after my Robert Frost mirror piece. When I was younger my great aunt, whom was a Franciscan nun, took care of me when I would come stay at my grandparents' during the summer. She was a huge part of my life and unfortunately she passed away in 2002. I got a fuschia rose for her because I swear that woman only owned fuchsia sweaters... more specifically 100 of the same fuchsia sweater. She was like a little cartoon character, it was precious. Then I got the praying hands pendant obviously because she was a nun. I also got the roman numerals II and XI next to the hands to represent the month and day she passed away. 

(Location: Left Ring Finger/ Done at Pinz & Needlez Tattoos)

I don't really remember exactly when I got this tattoo... I just know it was the next tattoo I got after my rose. The reason I got "Take A Risk" on my left ring finger is because it's the finger your wedding ring goes on and I correlate that with love. No one gets anything that they love without taking a risk. Without taking a risk from time to time we will never be truly happy and this tattoo always reminds me that taking a risk always has the possibility of leading me to a very happy place. 

(Location: Right forearm/ Done By Jay at Pinz & Needlez Tattoo)

I got this tattoo done on October 26th. A week and a day prior my boyfriend passed away. We worked together and when he was feeling extra cute he would leave me notes in my apron (he also left me gum wrappers but, thats another story.) The first time he asked me out was in note form on a check-in sheet so, I was pretty partial to this form of communication from him. This tattoo is one of the notes he wrote me and it's in his handwriting. Although it might sound strange to some this tattoo was a huge help in the coping process for me. It has helped me to continue on while still feeling as though part of him is always with me. I also find it to be an uplifting message for those days where I feel everything but pretty. 

(Location: Left Ankle/ Done By Kike Castillo at Brightside Boutique & Art Studio)

This is my most recent tattoo. I got it on Friday, December 13th and it's obviously a Friday the Thirteenth tattoo. There isn't a super special meaning behind this tattoo. I simply just love whole aura around the number 13. I also love how in art and theologies that cresent moons often represent growth as well as the feminine side of divinity.

BOOM! Those are all of my tattoos. Not everyone will like them but, thats okay because I do and I'm the only one who has to live with them. I eventually want to get more tattoos but, good tattoos aren't cheap so I have a little saving up to do. Hopefully it will happen sooner than later. I hope you liked this little personal post.

Until next time!



  1. Anonymous1/27/2014

    Wow, I had no idea you had to go through a boyfriend passing away (well, I mean, I don't know you personally or anything, so I wouldn't know) and damn that makes me so sad. I think the fact you got his handwriting on your arm is so beautiful and really amazing that you get to carry that with you always. Tattoos are such a great roadmap of life. I have a few and even though some are less than desirable at this stage in life I'm glad I have them - they're like a song - they take you back to times that have passed.

    1. Don't be sad for me little lady <3 I'm really glad you like my tattoo. I completely agree with you on tattoos though. They really do hold so many memories :)
