Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Tea Talk Tuesday | Post #2

So the other day someone asked me to do a blog post about eating healthy and working out. To be honest I've been out of the workout grove for a little while now thanks to the cold. I've decided for the time being that I am going to add little updates here and there in my Tea Talk Tuesdays. I did a really light workout two days this past week and God did it remind me of how out of shape I now am. 

Day one post-workout thoughts: *oh god my "abs" hurt... I can't get up... Maybe I'll just roll out of bed and try not to laugh or breathe too heavily* 

Day two post workout thoughts: *sneezes* - I'm pretty sure I tore a muscle in my abdomen*mental tears* 

Day three post workout thoughts: * yeah baby I'm feeling good... Time to try again. JK I'm not okay* 

So... If you haven't guessed I haven't been going strong in the workout department BUT, I am working on a heathy eating type of post which I promise you will be much less depressing.

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