Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Finally Coming Around | Soap & Glory One Heck of A Blot Powder

From the beginning of my blog reading adventures I've always followed many Britain based bloggers and almost every one of them would constantly rant and rave about how much they loved Soap & Glory's One Heck of A Blot Powder. Unfortunately for me it wasn't until recently that Soap & Glory makeup was readily available in the states so all I could do for the longest time was covet this pretty little mattifying powder. 

I had let go of the idea of ever getting my hands on Soap & Glory One Heck of A Blot Powder, writing it off as something that just wasn't in the cards for me. That idea off course was thankfully snuffed out the other day while I was perusing my local Ulta. Honestly, I never go to Ulta because it's quite rare that I need anything from there and I'm just quite fond of buying my drugstore makeup at Target but, yesterday I was in the area and I figured I would take a little peak. There amongst an aisle of lashes and holiday sets i set my little eyes upon the majesty that is their little Soap and Glory display with a lone One Heck of A Blot Powder left (well there was more than one but this was the only sealed one.) Clearly I felt like it was meant to be and I picked one up almost forgetting the gel liner that I actually needed to get while I was there. 

I originally purchased the powder for touch-ups throughout the day when I start to get oily and my makeup doesn't look as fresh but, I tried it out as a setting powder and ended up really loving it even more than I expected. Typically loose powders are better for setting people with oily skin because you pick up more product and it tends to be a little more dense. Since the One Heck of A Blot is pressed I didn't think it would be enough to keep me set through the day. I'll admit I was very wrong and that it actually held up even better than my favorite setting powders. I was needless to say --- shocked and amazed. It worked so well that I haven't even had to use it for touch-ups yet. 

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