Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tea Talk Tuesday | Post #6

So today I decided to start a new book called "Nice is just a Place in France" by The Betches which is supposed to be a humorous call for all women to drop the nice act and take up a life of betchy fabulousness. Since I've just started and I'm only on page 45 I can't give you a full rundown of this book quite yet and to be honest I'm kind of on the fence. Although this book is made to be somewhat sarcastic it does have a select few good points thus far. This book also has some pretty intelligent quips (which I absolutely adore) but it's a little hard to take seriously over the other banter about how using abbreviations ("abbrevs") are totes cool, how blacking out is awesome, and how the only reasons to diet are so that you can get drunk faster and cheaper. Trust me I totally get it, this book is supposed to be funny but, honestly the juxtaposition in the writing just seems a bit off. One minute I can totally understand the sarcasm and humor then the next minute it becomes way too "valley girl with daddy's credit card." Then again who am I to judge; this is a New York Times best seller and I'm just a mediocre blogger talking about makeup and occasionally myself. I'm going to have to finish it all the way through before I can give my full opinion but, that's where I'm sitting at the moment. 

In other unrelated news I'm starting to wonder who pissed off the big guy upstairs so that he would give the east coast such horribly crappy weather. It is pure pain and insanity. Every time I step outside I think about stepping out in front of a car because it is both physically and emotionally painful that I have to live in this nonsense. It really just puts me in the worst mood... I should probably just get over that and deal with it though because there are far better things that I should be putting my energy towards other than being pissed off because of the weather. All I really need to do is buckle down with a little tea and some good reading so that i can wait out the next few weeks of icy hell. 

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