Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Tea Talk Tuesday | Post #21

Have you ever had one of those days where you just didn't know what day it was regardless of how many times you checked the date or calendar?! - Yeah, that was me all day at work. No matter how many times I reminded myself I feel like it didn't really hit me until I about 9:30 when I was on the highway rushing home to finally be able to wash off all this makeup and lay in bed. In case you were wondering though, I have yet to actually take my makeup off. I'm laziness at its finest but, honestly after working while being painfully sick for the past week I feel like I deserve it.

I'd like to take a moment to discuss how painfully terrible it is to make it through the whole winter without getting sick just to get a cold in the middle of june. It's pathetic in my book- like honestly, why me! It's hot and humid outside making my sad attempts at breathing all the more difficult. I wish I just got sick in the winter like a normal person. Everyone around you is ready to go have fun in the sun and have a good time and there you are with a raw red nose and a cough that resembles that of a 80 year old smoker. 

It's okay though because I'm almost out of the woods. I only blew my nose roughly three times today and I only had half as many cough drops as usual soooo you could say I'm feeling pretty good about life right now. This is coming just in time too since I have the next two days off. Hopefully it will give me the energy to be productive and get a lot done before a six day work grind. Fingers crossed for the best over here. 

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