Monday, August 3, 2015

5 Random Facts

So I'm feeling something a little different than my typical beauty posts today. I figured I'd do something a little more personal and a little silly. I do a lot of driving so I have a lot of time to myself. Typically I do a lot of self reflecting in the car as well as just some overall random thinking. I've had some 
epiphanies as well as over thought some crazy over the top BS while making my long commutes. Either way I thought a little 5 random facts post would be kinda sorta fun.

I know everyone has their weird little things about them so here's mine. Maybe you can totally relate or maybe they will make you realize I'm a little too weird... this could really go either way but, I like to think I'm the relatable kind of strange. 

1. I'm abnormally stressed out about driving next to jersey walls when there isn't a shoulder. I instantly start to panic, my hands get sweaty and my heart is in my throat the entire time. Oh, and if there is also a semi on the other side of my just forget about it. I might as well already be dead because that's exactly how I feel - like I'm living out the last seconds of my life before I get squished.  

2. I have to scars under my lip from when I had spider bites and I actually really love them. I'm not 100% sure why because they kind of make putting on lipliner annoying but, I do and I don't regret why I have them at all. They are part of my story.

3. I can't drink a true straight cup of coffee without feeling like I just did a line of meth... I don't even feel energized I just feel like a twitchy mess. Same goes for any and all energy drinks and shots. They make me feel terrible but, I can drink caffeinated teas without a problem. 

4. If I really like a pen it will be the only pen I use until it runs out. If I designate a pen to a notebook I will only use that pen (or one that is exactly the same) for that notebook because switching them out bothers me and makes me feel like my penmanship through out isn't uniform. I strongly believe my penmanship depends partially depends on what pen or medium I am using. 

5. It's rare that I listen to anything when I'm in my car. If I do listen to something I have to be in the mood to listen to a particular artist/audiobook otherwise I just kind of sit there and think. Typically I don't even notice the silence because I'm so into whatever I'm having my inner monologue about. It drives other people who get in my car crazy but, I just never notice the quiet. Sorry, fam.

Well there you have it, five random facts. I kind of like things like this maybe I should do it more often. 

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