Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Tea Talk Tuesday | Post #28

All has been fair in love and war but, I do have to admit I have been in quite the creative rut lately and I'm still not to sure how to wiggle my way out of it. I feel like I keep doing recreations of all the same things over and over and it's getting a little frustrating. I'm sure it's just a phase and I'll get over it soon enough but, I'm getting a little impatient. I feel like I'm waiting for that sudden epiphany that throws me into a creativity tornado of fabulousness. 

So if that whole creative epiphany could happen sooner than later that would be great because I feel like that would just take my life to a whole other level that I would genuinely appreciate at the moment. It would give life the whole sparkle and razzle dazzle. I always feel super fulfilled when there is a bit of creativity in my life. I feel like it makes me more motivated to get more done and stay on top of all the things I have to get done. I feel like if I'm in a creative funk I get a little lazy and behind on things because I feel like I won't be able to do things up to the best of my ability and so I put things off. This gets really annoying when I know I have to get things done and I have deadlines to meet. Oh well, I just have to push myself out it and just search a little harder to find things that will put me in the creative mood. 

From this day forward I'm making it my mission to get out of this weird little funk no matter what it takes. A breakthrough needs to happen soon because otherwise I might go crazy.  

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