Sunday, September 13, 2015

Appreciating Life | The Magic

Maybe a month or so ago I read Rhonda Byrne's The Secret and fell in love with the philosophy of the law of attraction, positivity and gratitude. It's not always an easy lifestyle to maintain when things get rough or don't go the way you planned but, I've been making an effort to make that philosophy a part of my life. It's so easy to take things for granted but, I think it's important to realize how much we have to be thankful for even when it seems like we have so little.

My dad happened to read The Secret around the same time as me and we got on the subject of discussing the book and how we were both trying to make our lives more positive. He told me about his mantras of good wishes towards others and I told him about my list of things I'm thankful for. We talked about how simple the idea behind it all is and how much sense it all made. We correlated instances of negativity with negative outcomes and likewise ones dealing with positivity. My dad and I don't have many things in common but this whole idea really clicked between the two of us. The next day he went out and bought me Rhonda's second book The Magic. It's the sequel to The Secret and it is also a 28 day activity book that helps you apply the philosophy of positivity and gratitude to your everyday life. 

I've finally got around to starting it and so far I'm really loving it. I think that it is so soothing and cleansing to be able to take a little time out of your day to focus on being grateful. It puts everything in life into perspective. Constantly giving yourself little reminders of that really helps you put yourself into that positive mindset and makes it easier to ingrain it into your life. If you're looking for a way to give yourself a little pick me up, this book could be worth checking out!

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