Wednesday, September 9, 2015

SFX for Beginners | Liquid Latex

Like I said in my post yesterday I don't really know much about crazy SFX makeup and prosthetics and all that jazz but with my limited knowledge I did want to share a bit of what I do know. Since Halloween is coming up next month I figured now was a good a time as ever. In my experience so far I have found that with liquid latex, fake blood, and a little creativity the SFX possibilities are endless. 

[Left: Layered liquid latex | Right: Liquid latex and rolled tissue]

Liquid latex is a SFX staple that is pretty cheap and easy to find, especially now that all the Halloween stores are beginning to open. If you're just starting out or if you don't have money or the resources to get any of the fancy SFX makeup products out there this is a great option. You can create anything from burns to prosthetics with liquid latex. To this point it has been the only medium I have really worked with and it has given me great results. Here are a few options on ways to use it in your work.

- Used and layered alone liquid latex can be pulled or ripped in order to make light looking burns or peeling texture. 

- When liquid latex is layered with one-ply tissue paper in between the layers it can be manipulated to look like huge gashes or deep tears in the skin. I like rolling the tissue into strands to build up the edges to create deep looking scarring. 

- Layering liquid latex with pulled cotton can give the effect of anything from burns to deep gashes and shredded skin. 

- Layering or mixing coffee grounds into liquid latex and ripping holes into the layers also gives the effect of severely melted or burnt skin. 

- When using a mold, liquid latex can be layered over itself in order to create prosthetics that can easily be peeled off and applied to the face or body. Clay dusted with powder can easily be used as a mold for your creations. 

I'm sure there are many other ways to use it that I haven't yet discovered but, so far I like what's going on here. 

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