Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Tea Talk Tuesday | Post #49

The past few days have consisted of me sipping copious amounts of camomile tea to neutralize out the effects of my green tea lattes in hopes that my cycle of tea drinking will somehow balance me out. I've definitely not felt myself lately... I would say that I've been a bit sensitive and hyperemotional at best. My sleeping schedule has been a little strange and I must be doing something weird in my sleep because I wake up with the worst neck and shoulder pain. I wish there was a Mercury Retrograde that I could blame it on right now. 
I spent my entire Sunday trying to convince myself that I needed to get things done to no true avail. Tons of things I needed to accomplish but instead of doing most of them I spent the day thinking of all the things I have to do and slowly getting some of them finished. This is probably a wakeup call to be kinder to myself and stop overthinking things that I can't control or that haven't happened yet.

On that note I would like to talk about some positives!

1. I've made it a promise to myself that I would start reading again because I'm definitely the most excited about life when I can spout off about random things that I just discovered.

2. I think that I'm going to keep a journal of sorts... particularly just so I have an excuse to use my Staedtler pen set which I've been toting around in my purse like a 6 yr old with a 64 pack of crayons ready to dominate in art class. 

3. At the fresh age of 24 I've finally gotten committed to making my own appointments, particularly doctors appointments. YAY ME! I'm still avoiding the dentist though... we aren't friends. 

4. I'm starting to suck less at e-mails so that's pretty cool. 

5. I've been spending a lot more time with my family and it's actually been really lovely. 

How has everyone else doing?

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