Monday, August 8, 2016

Hourglass Vanish Seamless Finish Foundation Stick | Review

I can't say that I've dabbled much in Hourglass's beauty products. I own two or three pieces from their line but, that's about it despite the fact that the brand definitely has some cult favorite beauty products in it. Maybe one day I'll use some of those products on myself but as for now I'm still just getting myself acquainted.

I've tried out Hourglass's foundations before but none of them ever really were a perfect fit for me but when they came out with their Hourglass Vanish Seamless Finish Foundation Sticks I figured I would give them a try because truth be told I love a good foundation stick. Personally I find that foundation sticks are a lot quicker than liquid foundations for me to use; A few good swipes and some nice buffing and you're good to go. Sure some are better than others but since they are so handy trying out a new one is always worth it. 

The Hourglass Vanish Seamless Finish Foundation Stick is a full coverage waterproof foundation and concealer in one with a satin finish. Anything that offers instant full coverage gets a real good look over in my book. I have to say that the stick wears way more dewy than satin on my skin although, I have heard from others that it wears more matte-like on them. This may be because the foundation reacts to your body temperature in order to melt properly into your skin so it can go on smoothly and blur out any imperfections. 

I have to say I love how the foundation lays on my skin because it looks like flawless porcelain (all my pores seem to disappear) but, I have to be a bit careful about what primer I pair the foundation with because if I don't choose the right one by the end of the day my foundation begins to separate around my nose, mouth, and chin.  The wear time is supposed to be about 12 hours and it does last under the right conditions but not every time. 

For what the foundation is I really like it despite it not always wearing for as long as I want. It gives great coverage, it's quick to apply, and it's triangular shape makes it easy to get into contours such as around the nose for easy touch ups. 

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