Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Tea Talk Tuesday | Post #61 31 Days of Halloween Recap

I'm so sad to say goodbye to my beloved month, October. Throughout the month of October I decided to do 31 days of Halloween in which I did a Halloween makeup look everyday. I had a lot of fun doing so many different looks and thinking up new ideas. I can't say that it was easy. It's hard thinking up something new and different everyday but but I loved the challenge. It allowed me think outside the box and play with tons of fake blood which, truth be told, I have quite the affinity. My central theme around the month was gore but, I couldn't help but slide a few cuter looks in there as well to mix it up a bit.  

I have to say that I'm pretty proud I was able to complete the challenge because I had quite a few things going on this month. As the cherry on top of a month of successful makeup I collaborated with fellow blogger and photographer Eliza from Aesthetic Distance to do a Halloween photoshoot and blog set in which I did some Michael Hussar inspired makeup. You can see the full set on her blog aestheticdistance.com!

[outdoor photos by: Eliza Aesthetic Distance]

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