Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Tea Talk Tuesday | Post #58

There's been a lot going on in my life lately and I'm just trying to get it all sorted out. In less than a month I've gotten off medical leave,went back to work, and transferred stores so there's been a lot of acclimation going on. Getting back into the swing of things and getting used to being somewhere new are definitely keeping me busy which is totally fine with me since I like keeping busy and I kind of want to get to a place where I'm making more moves and even busier in the best way possible. Hopefully I'll be a little less scatter brained at that point in my life but who am I kidding.

I'm hoping that all the new motion going on gets my creative juices flowing. I don't know if people are aware of this BUT being sick and not being able to work for two months is way less eventful than it sounds. I thought since I had so much down time I would get so much done on my blog but being stagnant and sorely uncomfortable makes getting even some of the most comforting tasks very hard to concentrate on. In other words I was in a rut and was a human potato for two whole months. 

Now that I'm back in action I'm already seeing things change for the better. I'm slowly getting more done and feeling super motivated to do even more although I still have my moments of total exhaustion and laziness. It goes to show you that being around creative and positive people can really boost your internal flame.

I feel like there is so much I want to do now - if only there were more hours in a day. 

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